Executive Global Insights

Inside Asia’s population shift

Demographic trends are changing the playing field as birth rates decline, people live longer lives and urbanisation continues to accelerate. This report explores the future implications for business and trade in Asia.

The semiconductor imperative

Semiconductors are a common denominator of the green transition – and the race is now on to ensure resilient supply chains. In this report we explore the impact of geopolitics on the semiconductor industry and outline actions that can be taken to minimise volatility and risk.

The road to personalised medicine

Healthcare systems across the globe are under continuous stress – but personalised medicine is now the recipe for change. Find out how Swedish companies can accelerate the era of data-driven disease prevention and tailored treatments.

Unlocking the global green transition

The stage is set for Swedish companies as the global race to decarbonise intensifies. This study outlines five key opportunities in energy and transport and presents a roadmap for maximising your impact in four regions.

Unleashing the power of India

More and more global companies are de-risking their supply chains in Asia by looking to India as the next stop for sourcing and procurement in the region. This study unveils six emerging categories where Indian suppliers are rapidly accelerating their capabilities.

Rewiring global supply chains

Global megatrends and two recent crises – the Covid pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – have prompted a major rethink of supply chains. This study unpacks the driving forces, key trends and strategies being adopted by Swedish supply chain executives.

Green growth in the Middle East

Sustainable development is taking the spotlight in the Middle East as the region pushes to diversify its economies and build climate change resilience. Explore the current momentum in four key markets and how Swedish companies can capture emerging opportunities.